
On this page you will find  information on how to use current features of WikiTimelines and a tutorial on how to use the WikiTimeline Markup.

Using WikiTimelines

Each timeline on our site contains 3 bandwidths with unique unit time scales. Each places events within a certain segment of time and allows the user to scroll through the timebands at different scales. This enables the user to scroll through history at the pace of centuries, decades, months and more.

WikiTimeline Markup

So at this point you already understand you can explore a timeline by scrolling on each of the bandwidths, and that you can center the timeline on a specific date by specifying a date in the  upper lefthand text box. By learning the markup for WikiTimelines you can improve the visual representation of each event or period on the timeline. In order to change the visual representation, you must use special characters(WikiTimelines markup) in the article editor. You can play this video tutorial to learn the markup, or follow this image enhanced text guide.

Editing WikiTimelines Tutorial

Graphic Instructions:

First, find your way to a timeline. To customize an event title, event icon, or timeband, click the event on the visual timeline. This will open a popup containing the context of the parsed event. From this popup you’ll be able to enter the markup editor by clicking the “Edit” link.
This will open the editor. Scroll to the bottom of the editor to view your markup option and some notable examples.

To change the icon for an event, insert markup phrases like “<! r3>” or “<! g1>” behind the text of a date. To modify the title that is shown on the timeline, find the phrase that you want to use to represent the title. Duplicate the phrase (using copy and paste) next to the original inbetween a “<!” and “>” tag. To modify a timeband(not pictured) you must insert a tag such as “<! g>” before a statement that describes a range of time. For example the following would create a timeband ranging from 1929 to 1933: ” The Japanese were only affected by the Great Depression <! g> from 1929 to 1933.”

Editing WikiTimeline zones


Configuring WikiTimeline Bandwidths


Placing Relative Epochs on the Timeline


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